Alignment: Why have a purpose

The old engines that were built to run companies over the past seventy years served us well. No argument. However, the old engines would still be burning excessive fuel, spewing unnecessary pollutants and killing people at the same rate if we had not moved the engineers to make them more efficient and safer. These changes did not change their purpose!
When you look at companies that have been around for over eighty years the purpose has remained in tact. And even though the products and services may have shifted, the purpose is still aligned, front and center. In order to stay viable, companies must be open to adapting and realigning what and how to make it work.
The key factor in sustainability is finding ways for companies to increase awareness of diversions and distractions that can sneak in and alter the trajectory of the purpose and why they are in business. Awareness and realignment must be somehow built into the purpose and of companies.
Without alignment checks, companies screw up and get diverted into side trips that violate either its intentions or violates laws. It does not mean that they are bad. It just means that leadership was led astray and lost sight of their purpose. Consider the recent events with VW in Germany. Interestingly, we can learn from screw-ups as much or more than success. Maybe we should consider every event as a learning opportunity, even the great botches of life. The sooner we learn and forgive ourselves the faster we can move ahead.
Purpose, is the alignment tool, or compass of organizations. It is more than just a map. When we install new tires on a car most people do a front end alignment check. And likewise the change in leadership of a company should trigger a formal realignment and audit of every process in place. This ensures, that leadership is aware of the needed adjustments, to keep the alignment and efficiencies focused on purpose.
Frequent alignment is suggested for every company, with or without a board. For even a board can loose sight of the long term goal. Consider the 2008 financial meltdown, Every company Board should have been held responsible.
Spectrum Coaching suggests bringing in external coaching and consulting professionals trained to ask tough questions from everyone responsible for directing others and review more than just the bottom line numbers. As we have seen in the past twenty years, some very big companies have been forced to close due to misalignment with their purpose; with greed being the greatest diversion. Remember Enron? I am sure you can remember quite a few.
Call for a Discovery session to consider checking the alignment of your company with its purpose, contact: