We do not have to be small business gurus to recognize that the primary strain and stress points of a large number of businesses are everything related to employees. It seems that getting employees on the same page by providing training is one challenge and moving them to adopt the new practice is another. And, when you, the owner, are attempting to develop employee skills and monitor the new practice yourself it seems to be a daunting task.
In “The Dark Secret of HRD” Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D. shares the major hurdle to make training and development ‘stick’ and become ingrained into work habits. The missing piece of the puzzle is not having a process “within the workplace” to reinforce the habits or behavior changes desired. It seems that “Under pressure, old habits trump newly introduced skills” eighty percent of the time.
Please understand that we, at Spectrum Coaching, want all of your employees to have the talents to provide excellent customer experiences. And even highly skilled employees with strong personal strengths may need some coaching from a supervisor, manager or outside coach to reach the level of talent you would prefer them to share.
What are the tipping points for success of this effort? What must be?
- 1. A Company culture that is both supportive and congruent with new behaviors and talents.
- 2. The willingness, courage and intention by each employee to be more effective in work and all relationships
- 3. Ample Timeframe in which to develop new skills and attitudes that evolve into valued talents.
Measurable benefits to Company
- – Increased direct referral rate by customers
- – Increased secondary sales by technicians
- – Less absenteeism
- – Handling more calls per day, effectively
- – Receiving more accolades from customers
- – Increased revenue
Secondary beneficiaries of talent development are vendors, family and other employees connecting with recipients of training.
Everybody wins when employees are comfortably connected within and outside of the company. It leads to ” the experience” we all enjoy.